• Area 178

    Updated a month ago

    We have been getting a lot of rain lately, but the trails typically dry out quickly.

  • Centennial Park

    Updated 16 days ago

    Trails are open. Please let us know if you come across a downed tree.

  • Hiawatha Park

    Updated a month ago

  • Hickory Ridge

    Updated 3 months ago


    The trials are open and riding well.Volunteers are busy blowing leaves.I would say 80 percent complete.Great time to ride bugs are not a problem yet and the spring flowers are out

  • Lowes Creek

    Updated 3 days ago

    Anthill is open with some features added also. Single Track are in excellent riding condition. The typical areas might be soft in the valley area.

  • Menomin Park

    Updated 5 days ago


    Crews working hard to keep trails mowed and whipped. Thank you!

  • Northwest Park

    Updated a month ago

  • Pipestone Quarry

    Updated 19 days ago


    Trail status picture

    Trails are mostly in good shape. One exception is Rock and Roll, which has some overgrown spots and possibly down trees on the south side (the most remote and hardest area for volunteers to get to). Some mosquitos out, but not too bad. Lower gate remains closed. Park on the road.

  • River Doc Trails

    Updated 3 days ago

    07/24 Good riding conditions. Wear bug spray and deer fly tape. Best of luck if you have to stop anywhere in the woods. 😉

  • Silver Creek Trails

    Updated a month ago

    Sloppy, Overgrown

    Pretty much unrideable. Rain has caused lots of standing water, muddy trails and vegetation growth that has outpaced the maintenance.

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