• Theodore Wirth: MOCA/MORC Trails

    Updated a day ago

    Muddy, Wet

    Grrr…still CLOSED! Jim and I both checked different sections on the way to our crew meeting at Utepils yesterday and both concluded it was a day away from being ready…and then it’s been raining much of the day. We just cannot get a break. We will keep a close eye on conditions and continue to provide timely updates. Our crew meeting yesterday went well. We have a solid list of potential projects for this season. Some involving new features. Updates to some of the climbs in Brownie. Reigning in the swam that is the newer north section of the Glenwood Loop. Dealing with user-created ride-a-rounds in South. The usual hacking at the over growth when it does so and even some simple trash pick-up stuff, etc. If your group, organization or team is interested in investing some sweat equity into the trail we all love, please reach out to mara to get something on the calendar. inbred32x16 at gmail.com. (Replace “at” with “@“. That is all for now. Pavement continues to be your friend for the foreseeable future. Steve for Theo

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